Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thank you for the support.

we have a new kinder in the Pech community, that will help allot.
we are needing the construction of another school to keep teaching pech members.
The Pech are tribe that receive the less help that any other group.
in the past was forbidden to then to speak they own language when school.
because of that we are loosing very important key factors in pech society and entity of trued Original First members of the honduras society.
they culture is very important to honduras and i hope we can continuous to help then to keep alive.
we ready have tribe like Lencas that lost they own language .
i am trying to avoid that , and hope we can help the pech since like i say before are the Tribe that receive the less .
and in some cases they be force out of they own land by gun point.
hope we can keep helping in education and health (a roof replacement in all the 11 house can be a great project), since the roof they have now produce a animal that bit the person and produce some serious deceases in some cases fatal.

also a inter exchange whit other native Indians in the usa , can be a very good program for the pech to interact whit other Indians and work and help eachother .
and strength the tight of Indians tribe in the Americas.

thank you so much , Rotary International, Rotary Port Isabel, rotary Trujillo.
Mary , Donna and all the volunteers that came to help and make this posible.
please keep helping the pech community is the right things to do.
Muchisimas Gracias.

1 comment:

Demierre Santiago said...

Seria muy triste si los Pech pierden su lengua y sus costumbres por el miedo de que otros se las roben. El hermetismo o secretismo puede ser la causa misma de su desaparicion.
No dejemos que eso pase!!